mesonic with the throttle full open on CeBIT 2015

Dynamic times this year at the exhibition stand of mesonic: In cooperation with ABT Sportsline, global largest automotive refinement organization for Audi and VW, this year there were some additional eyecatchers. This year`s fair highlights took place from march 16 to 20 at the mesonic exhibition stand in hangar 5.

ERP-contentment study 2014 – Thumbs up for mesonic WinLine

In recently published ERP contentment study of Trovarit AG, where participated nearly 2.700 organizations in German-speaking Europe (Germany, Austria, Switzerland), mesonic WinLine appears once more as one of the winners of more than 50 analyzed ERP solutions. System contentment is found once again at a high level. Beyond that users noted significant improvements concerning partner … READ MORE …

Qlik® for five years BI-Leader

Gartner Magic Quadrant for BI and Analytics 2015 BI market permanently changes. 2015 will bring further transformations. Data Discovery will more and more emerge into "governed" and user-guided compilation. Gartner says: "There is a general tendency to quickly implemented platforms, which can be used both by professionals, analysts and IT to get fast insight. Organizations … READ MORE …

Gartner: Magic Quadrant for Business Intelligence and Analytics Platforms

Gartner report gives a review of corporation efforts in a certain market segment. With Magic Quadrant end users should be supported with profound informations for their decision making searching partner corporations or providers of products and services. According to Gartner report BI platforms will be "enhanced by data-discovery-functionalities which offer IT-related governance and will turn … READ MORE …

mesonic in pictures

Have a nice time watching our Youtube-videos! 100 % business for mesonic at CeBIT refreshment of trade fair performance at CeBIT refreshment of trade fair performance More than vitreous customer: "ERP & CRM all of a piece“Talk at ERP-Forum of IT & Business for sales & distribution, marketing and service staff an extensive CRM system … READ MORE …

QlikView again Leader

Magic Quadrant for Musiness Intelligence and Analytics Platforms 2014. Pioneer concerning user oriented Business Intelligence!